titleA Group Portrait of Nine People Standing in front of a Canadian Japanese Association Parade Float; Vancouver, BC


nameImage, Digital




descriptionThe image shows a group of eight men and one boy standing in front of the Canadian Japanese Association parade float. All of the men are wearing suits with ties and four of them are standing with their hats down at their sides. The boy standing in front the men is wearing shorts, a white shirt and a tie. The float is stopped in front of a multistorey building. The parade float is decorated with cherry blossom trees, multiple Japanese and Union Jack flags, a torii, and large tree slices. On the float are two women dressed in kimonos sitting under the cherry blossom tree, and two carriage drivers holding the reins of the horses. A man wearing a white shirt and a black vest looks down at the parade float from a second storey building window at the top left corner of the image. The caption reads, "Float by CAN. JAP. ASS'N, July 1st, 1926".


part ofKishizo Kimura fonds




Nikkei National Museum