titleTashme Warehouse Staff, Christmas 1945; Tashme, BC






descriptionThe image shows eight men and four women seated or standing around a long table busied with plates and Coke bottles. At the end of the table is a a decorated Christmas tree. The caption on the front reads, "Tashme Warehouse Staff, Christmas 1945".



Individuals seated on the left side of the table in the image are, from left to right: Hiroko Kubota (nee Kanatsu), Fujio (nickname Fudge) Inamoto, Roy Kumano (or Bob Kadoguchi?), Sumi Yasui (nee Ota), and Mr. Saunders.



Individuals seated on the right side of the table in the image are, from right to left: Nobuko Rieger (nee Ogata), Ben Omori, Hisa Baba (nee Omoto) (or Kaz Kawabe?), and Mr. Tomihiro.



Individuals standing behind the table in the image are, from left to right: Yoshiaki Nagao (nickname Sharkey), Jack Shimoji, and Kiyoshi Yamanaka.



Sumi Yasui and Kaz Kawabe were family friends, both resided in Toronto, Ontario following the Second World War. Mr. Saunders may have been the manager of the warehouse and commission store.



part ofKumano Family collection




Nikkei National Museum