titleHistory Tent & Redress Booth - Powell Street Festival 1985; Vancouver, BC






descriptionAn image of the right side of the inside of a large yellow outdoor tent. The tent is set on top of grass, with houses, trees, and another yellow tent visible in the background. On the left side are two maps in white frames displayed on a wooden easel. Behind the maps is an adult holding a baby, as well as another display of black and white photos on a white poster board. To the back of the tent is Daniel Tokawa sitting at a table, above which black and white photos in brown frames are displayed on a white background. Three people appear to be looking at this display. To the right, a man in a black and white patterned shirt is sitting at a table covered in white tarp, above which is a white sign reading "Let us be proud of you, Canada, by negotiating in good faith. REDRESS THE WRONG" in black letters. Stacks of books sit atop the table. Three people are standing in front of the table looking at the literature. A woman in a white shirt, white pants, and brown shoes walks in the middle of the tent.


part ofNikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre fonds




Nikkei National Museum