titleTōki tabiji no koe : Kanada Nikkei imin kutō. 遠き旅路の声 : カナダ日系移民苦闘






descriptionThis book includes two parts, the history of Japanese Canadian from the early years of immigration to the post-war period and prominent Japanese figures who were in Vancouver. Part 1, Hardship of Japanese immigrants in Canada includes the chapters of history of Canada; relations between North America and Japanese; the beginning of Japanese immigration in Canada; voices for fishermen; the period before and after the First World War; the Second World War and Japanese Canadians; post-war period of Japanese Canadians; and new departure. Part 2, Japanese philosophers/thinkers who were in Vancouver includes the chapters of Seinosuke Oishi 大石誠之助 and the High Treason Incident (taigyaku Jiken 大逆事件); Nitobe Merorial Garden and philosophy of Inazo Nitobe 新渡戸稲造; and Etsu Suzuki 鈴木悦, the leader of the Japanese labour union.



Note: Edited by Asahi Shinbunsha, Tōkyō Honsha, Asahi Shuppan Sābisu 朝日新聞社. 東京本社. 朝日出版サ-ビス.


Includes bibliography (pages 377-381).



Author:Teruko Takada 高田光子 著


Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : Mitsuko Takada, Heisei 3 [1991]. [Place of publication not identified]: 高田光子, 平成3年[1991].


Language: Japanese


part ofNikkei National Museum Library Collection




Nikkei National Museum